I was born at a young age with a small loan of one million dollars in the outlandish Salt Lake City, UT. I have five siblings, four sisters and a brother, and a mom and a dad. My older sister, Amy, is nineteen and goes to UVU, my next sister, Rachel, is almost fifteen and goes to KJH, my only brother, Jared, just turned twelve and probably my favorite person of all, my younger sister, Kelly, just turned nine and enjoys playing piano, and I have a three-month old sister, Joy, who I love to hold and be around when I am home. I used to have some pet fish when I was three years old in Layton, but they were overfed one day, in what I think was my older sister’s attempt to rid me of all happiness. Ever since my family has not had any pets…unless you count spiders; my house is full of spiders.
Some of my favorite pastimes are video games, basketball, football, reading, and card/board games with my family. Some of my favorite video games are Call of Duty (modern warfare series), Battlefield (1942, 3, and 4), Just Cause 2 and 3, Shadow of Mordor, NCAA Football, NBA 2K, Madden, and many, many more. I don’t really play on any teams for basketball and football, I just enjoy playing with family and friends. Some favorite series of mine that I read are Michael Vey, Ranger’s Apprentice, Brotherhood Chronicles, Fablehaven, Harry Potter, and I just started Way of Kings. Then, my family and I play a plethora of games with each other, and we play every weekend with the occasional week night.
Another hobby that I forgot to mention was that I play the cello. This is my seventh year playing, and I love it. I plan to keep on playing throughout my entire life and will never give up. I am in the Davis Chamber Strings Orchestra, and I really enjoy playing with that group.