This Friday’s Debate tournament
In case you haven’t heard, this Friday is a debate tournament hosted at Syracuse High school. The current topics being held are, under the Lincoln Douglas debate “In the united states reporters ought to be able to have the right to protect the identity of confidential sources,” under the Public Forum debate “The United States should accede to the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea without reservations,” and under the Policy debate “The United States federal government should substantially reduce its restrictions on legal immigration to the United States.”
When interviewing Jake Sims, one of the debate team members, he stated “I believe that we are likely to do well in this tournament. I am very confident in my teammates and their ability for this debate. I don’t believe there will be much competition for us there, as this is the first time Syracuse High has hosted a tournament.”
Will you turn up for this Friday’s tournament at Syracuse High? It promises to be a riveting debate to watch, and will be interesting to see which side turns out on top.

My dear sir, there are people wandering the streets of London at this very moment with faces of squid! Squid! Do you ask their gender? And yet you waste...