Ross Harris: Administrator of 17 Years
Ross Harris, who has been a vice principal at this school for 4 years is an experienced administrator who has been in the field for 17 years all together. He spent 8 years working in an administrative position for Bountiful, and 5 years in Clearfield. He stated that he has enjoyed working at all of the schools he has worked at, and that “they all have their own personalities, their own culture.”
Mr. Harris said that he enjoys his job a high amount, saying, “I wouldn’t do it for 17 years if I didn’t.” He stated that the reason he enjoys this job is because it changes every day, new activities, new people, he says that “Of course there are parts that repeat on day to day basis, however the amount of things that change every day is enough to keep me invested and interested.”
He says that he found out he wanted to do administration in high school, where his cousin was an Assistant Principal. Mr Harris would spend time in his cousins office, helping him with things and watching the interaction between the staff and students. He stated that at that point he realized he loved working like this and decided to pursue the career. Mr. Harris worked as a teacher before he became an administrator, however he said that “When I went into education as a teacher, I knew that I would eventually be sitting in the chair that I am.”
Vice Principal Harris, when asked what he had to recommend to students said to, “put your mind and heart into everything you do. Our school here has a tradition of excellence in everything our students put their minds to, be it cross country, band, math, English or science, whenever they focus on it with all their heart and mind, they achieve great things.”
Harris said that, “I’m glad to be a part of such a tradition of excellence and accomplishments, this is a fantastic place to gain an education.”

My dear sir, there are people wandering the streets of London at this very moment with faces of squid! Squid! Do you ask their gender? And yet you waste...