A Night of Shakespeare

What it is and Why to look Forward to it

More stories from Alison Gee

Goatally Awesome
January 7, 2019

Whenever Shakespeare came out with a new play in the early 1600’s, people were shook. The famous playwright and poet was extremely popular in his time and after his death. For example, Davis High still dedicates a night to his works every year, and the advanced theatre department is preparing for 2018’s portrayal of his poetry. For students and community members who have been before, this is a wonderful announcement. For those who have never been, it may be a bit confusing. After all, what’s so great about Shakespeare?

“Night of Shakespeare” is actually a 90-minute show with an assortment of scenes taken from some of Shakespeare’s famous plays. Many of the scenes are “modernized” to make it more entertaining and easier for high school students to understand. For example, the famous witches from Macbeth are given a modern twist and played as three young girls on Halloween. The fun and interesting spin offs of Shakespeare that are scattered through out the evening give the event its character as a wonderful experience for everyone.

A love of Shakespeare’s works are definitely not required to enjoy oneself at this event. Advanced Theatre member Annie Woodbury said this about Shakespeare himself:

“I’ve grown more fond of him… he’s just confusing.”

Another student, Lucas Meyer, disagreed:

“I learned to respect him, but I don’t really like reading his works.”

However, both students swear that Night of Shakespeare makes it much more enjoyable, and they love the experience.

The Advanced Theater kids have all grown very close through this experience. They have a great time and rehearse quite often. It will certainly be a fun night for anyone, to witness the friendships the students have, or to participate in them.

So, be sure to come to the performances at seven on September 21, 22, 24, and 25. Tickets are five dollars, and the funds will go towards the theater department. Attending Night of Shakespeare will also help Davis fund the school musical this year, Newsies.