Students Answer Pressing Pop Culture Questions

Mason Hall

Bailey Bilderback and Jarem Harris

In the 2014-2015 AFC championship game Tom Brady and the New England patriots were charged with leaking air of one of their game balls in an issue that would later be given the title of “Deflategate”.


“I have no knowledge of anything, I have no knowledge of any wrongdoing,”quarterback of the New England Patriots, Tom Brady said.


Despite Brady’s assurances many around the league were convinced of foul play during this pivotal game in the season. Ted Wells American lawyer came out against Brady’s claims.

“Based on the evidence, it also is our view that it is more probable than not that Tom Brady was at least generally aware of the inappropriate activities of McNally and Jastremski involving the release of air from Patriots game balls,” Brady said.

In response to the growing controversy NFL commissioner Roger Goodell sentenced Brady to a four game suspension. Robert Craft, owner of the New England Patriots continued to deny any form of cheating from his team and came out strongly against the punishment given.

“Despite our conviction that there was no tampering with footballs, it was our intention to accept any discipline levied by the league. Today’s punishment, however, far exceeded any reasonable expectation. It was based completely on circumstantial rather than hard or conclusive evidence,” Craft said.