Sub for Santa Fundraiser Breaks Records

Zach Hughes

Every holiday season the student body participates in Sub for Santa, a fundraiser that collects money for homeless families in the community. The Student Body Officers collect money that is then used to assist certain families with Christmas. Every year, Davis participates in Sub for Santa and is very successful.

“Davis High has been participating in Sub for Santa for a long time…this is my eighteenth year at Davis High and we’ve always done some type of Sub for Santa,” Advisor Leanne Hyer said.

There are approximately 1,351 homeless students in Davis School District. With the student body’s help, Sub for Santa can not only pay for their Christmas, but helps them with food, clothing, and other necessities.

“It’s important to donate because there are almost fourteen hundred homeless students in our district and this money goes to help pay for christmas and it also helps pay for housing, clothing, bus passes, pantry packs that kids can take home on the weekends…,” Hyer said.

Sub for Santa is a common way for people all over the country to serve others during the holiday season. Apart from the Sub for Santa programs at schools in the Davis School District, there are many holiday charity organizations across the state and even the nation that provide certain families in need with gifts of food and clothing to help ease financial burdens.

“When it comes to Davis High, I think that we can really contribute, as we are a very wealthy school. We have a lot of students whose hearts are in the right places and hopefully people recognize that we’re doing this because of our compassion towards the people who can’t have these things and who can’t afford a Christmas” student body officer Wilson Piper said.

This year, the student body officer’s goal is to raise 20,000 dollars. With the help of the student body, and the many events that are put on for fundraising (including the Bachelor Auction, Soup Night, Senior Karaoke Night, and Dash for Cash), the officers are very hopeful of completing their goal.

“This is something that we can do to contribute to their lives and to helping them to have a better Christmas, and I think that that’s what we’re about here at Davis” Piper said.