Girls lacrosse storms through their fall season

Tayler Beever

Alexandria Cooley, Reporter

The girls lacrosse fall season is coming to a close, leaving the girls looking forward to their spring season. The girls have varying reasons for joining the club, but they can all agree that the game has helped them to gain useful skills and make new friends.

“[Lacrosse] taught me a lot of teamwork,” says Ali Simpson, a senior, “and that in order to accomplish things, everybody has to work together as a team, and it can’t just be a one-man deal.”

Lacrosse has been gaining more attention in recent years, but is still not too well known.

“I like that it’s more of a unique sport,” says Simpson, “not many people know about it.”

The girls have bonded together through the sport, and are always welcome to new members.

“If you join the team they will instantly take you in as a member of their family and it’s the best thing ever.” says Morgan Pennock, a junior, “You make so many new friends, you learn so many new skills, and it’s a great way to stay fit. It’s super fun.”

The sport has something for everyone to enjoy. Each girl has something about lacrosse that they enjoy.

“Just hanging out with all the girls and playing the sport. It’s super fun.” says Lauren Estoque, a senior.

“My favourite thing about lacrosse is the game itself, because you’re playing and you’re having so much fun,” junior Emma Forbes said. “For me, it’s that rush you get when you’re in the zone in a game.”