Senior class presents “Old Glory” as gift

April 27, 2015
Finding ways to better our school is something the senior class works for each year. Leaving Davis High better than it was when they came is the motivation behind senior class gifts. Teacher and SBO Adviser LeeAnn Hyer feels senior class gifts are a great way to spruce up the school.
“[senior class gifts] add character to the building…like a lasting impact on the school,” Hyer said. “The future classes are going to enjoy [the gift] because we gave it to them.”
Senior Class gifts can instill greater school pride in students and faculty. For Hyer, the stained glass window donated by the class of 2006 in particular provides that feeling of pride in our school.
“I love driving in and seeing that stained glass “D” lit up as i’m coming in or leaving school. I think that it looks really cool,” Hyer said.
Some gifts our school has received are the stained glass window located in the south end of the school, as well as the concrete old English “D” south of the front of the school. Even the beloved and treasured original tile “D” by the office was a senior class gift. These are only a few of the many gifts our school has received donated by the senior class.