Selected seniors become Sterling Scholars
These selected seniors are Sterling Scholars in their specific categories for Davis High School this year.
January 16, 2015
Once students have received the prestigious title of sterling scholar in their high school, many think that their work for the scholarship is over. The effort required to compete for the scholarship, however, is only just beginning. After they have filled out the application, selected sterling scholars are required to complete a portfolio of all they have done in their category throughout high school. Creating this extensive portfolio can prove to be a difficult and time consuming task for sterling scholars.
“It definitely was a lot more work than I expected,” Valerie Saunders, Instrumental Music Sterling Scholar, said. “There’s a lot of typing and writing, and you had to write 500 word blurbs about the stuff you’ve done… I don’t really like bragging about myself, so that was a little difficult.”
“It’s hard to take the tests, sure, but most of the paperwork is actually much harder, just because you have to sit down and do it,” Nathaniel Nubert, Math Sterling Scholar, said. “It’s paperwork [so] it doesn’t feel like you are actually getting anything done.”
Business Sterling Scholar Megan Cleverly also agrees that the portfolio is a difficult part of being a sterling scholar.
“I’m a talker,” Cleverly said, “[so] being able to explain myself in writing, it’s just hard to express myself.”
Despite the challenges of completing the portfolio, the benefits of being named sterling scholar outweigh the effort.
“…A lot of the different schools will recognize it, and it looks good on a lot of other scholarship applications, and as well as it’s a good experience that looks good on other things,” Saunders said.
“I became a Sterling Scholar because it opens up so many doors in college, in my future career,” Cleverly said. “I’m business sterling scholar, so that can set me apart from others when I apply to my college of choice.”
This year’s sterling scholars have enjoyed their opportunity to be recognized as excellent students, even though it has taken a lot of hard work on their part.
“It’s just nice to be able to stand apart from the rest of the crowd and [know] that I am recognized for my achievements,” Cleverly said.
“Music has always been a big part of my life,” Saunders said. “I really enjoy it, and it’s always been something I care about, so it just was cool to have an experience where I got a scholarship type thing for something that I love.”