Anonymous Twitter profiles contribute to student life

Ashton Corsetti

Two anonymous Twitter profiles created this year serve as sport for one manager and student recognition for the other.

DHS Statements, whose manager suggested the story, meant for the Twitter profile to be a joke. Statements takes an interest in posting neutral facts instead of compliments or insults.

“One day I was thinking of fun things to do with my time, and I thought, ‘Hey! Might as well make a funny Twitter profile,’” Statements said. “I thought of a stupid idea and I went for it.”

Statements worries that students “won’t understand it’s a joke, and they’re totally lost.” The profile also promises that if it is ever suspected of cyberbullying it would be shut down.

“There was this one instance where someone Tweeted, ‘Don’t you have anything better to do with your time?’” Statements said. “Some people are so anti-Statements, and I don’t know why.”

The DHS Compliments profile recognizes the student body for the good that they do. The anonymity of the profile, Compliments believes, turns the words into opinion rather than fact.

“It’s kind of putting it out there instead of saying, ‘This is from me to you,’” Compliments said. “It’s like saying, ‘Everyone, look how great this person is; not just because I think so, but because it is what it is.”

Compliments started with an idea from a former peer in junior high. The profile also accepts compliments from students in this Davis’s large student body.

“It’s just for people at Davis if I see them doing something good or someone else does,” Compliments said. “It’s hard with a bigger student body because you can’t fit everyone, but I do the best I can.”