Davis Hires New Principal
October 30, 2014
At the end of the 2014 school year as Principal Burton retired, Davis High School was in need of a new principal. Those shoes are now filled by Mr. Richard Swanson. He has had a lot of experience in administration and schools in general, but to be a teacher he first had to get a degree.
“I graduated with my undergraduate at Weber State University, then finished my graduate work at Utah State University,” said Principal Swanson.
He hadn’t always wanted to be a principal, but he did want to be a teacher.
“I wanted to teach, wanted to coach, wanted to get involved with students,” said Swanson.
And so he started his career in school as a teacher.
“My first teaching job was at Bountiful Junior High, teaching Spanish,” said Swanson.
Over time as a teacher he eventually found what he wanted to do.
“And then as I got involved with administration, I loved being an administrator, and then from there just wanted to be a principal because I liked interacting with students and with the school,” said Swanson.
And that is what brought him to Davis High, and now he does what he loves.
“My favorite part about being the principal at Davis High is all the great students. This is a great school. The faculty and staff here are a lot of fun, it’s a fun school to be [the principal], and I get to interact with a lot of fun students.”