Off Campus Lunch Alternative
“The orange trailer comes to Davis High every Friday for an alternative lunch idea.”
The Orange trailer was parked outside the main entrance of Davis high the first week of school “The Point” has been closed. Principal Burton said “…with a student body the size of ours [2373 students] we [can’t] feed that many kids in the cafeteria..”
Sophomore Jake Moffett said, “ They are not too expensive, [and] The chilli cheese dog is good and worth the money…”
According to people ages 16-19 are three times more likely to be included in a fatal crash than people aged 20 or older. Burton said, “the trailer was [intended] to keep kids on campus and not leave and [drive] downtown”
Burton also said, “the orange trailer is just a one week experiment, [we] might bring it back…” The orange trailer might be brought back on Fridays in order to keep students on campus. Hopefully with the orange trailer, lunch will be safer.