OG Fortnite Returns
Last Friday, November 3, Fortnite Battle Royale released their new season of the game.
This season is called “Fortnite OG” and includes features from a season of Fortnite almost five
years ago. This return to the “OG” Fortnite has brought many players back to the game and has
caused the game to reach its biggest peak of players in years. Millions of players have returned to
the game so they can experience the nostalgic feelings from five years ago.
Every time Fortnite updates to a new season, the new features bring an increase of
players to the game so they can discover all the new additions. Some seasons are more hyped up
than others and therefore bring more players than usual. This new season has brought back so
many players that the game reached a peak in the amount of people it has had playing at one
time. After the season was introduced, Fortnite had to implement a queue due to their servers
being flooded with millions more people than they were used to.
Season OG, the 45th season of Fortnite brings back elements from OG season 5. Some of
these returning features include the old map and items from season 5. Fan favorite locations and
weapons have returned with this new update to the game. The game isn’t completely identical to
season 5, there are a few elements from some of the later OG seasons and a few other minor map
adjustments. Fortnite also made the looting system resemble what it was in 2018 with the better
weapons being much rarer than they have been in recent seasons.
While most of the game has been reverted, some things are different than they were five
years ago. There are a few more elements from newer seasons that have been carried over to this
OG season of the game. Some of these include newer movement abilities, a lower cap on
materials a player can hold, and skill-based matchmaking. Skill-based matchmaking changes the
game most out of all these things. OG Fortnite had randomized matchmaking solely based on the
system you played the game on. This causes players of all skill levels to play in the same match
making some fights against less skilled players easier but fights with players better than you are
much harder. So, while the game is mostly how it was in 2018, players may spot a few
differences from back in the day.
Over the last week, many people coming back to the game have been very happy with the
old Fortnite features returning. Many people, and even some influencers, have been posting their
wins on social media hyping up the OG Fortnite season. Friends who used to play the game years
ago are returning to team up and land at their favorite locations to recreate old memories. The
internet has been flooded with posts and trends about the new season.
Why are so many more people coming back to the game after the update? Some people
have come back because they want to experience the old season again and the nostalgic feelings
that come with it. Old players are coming back to play the game they fell in love with years ago.
Although they never experienced the game all those years ago, new players are also playing the
game. These players enjoy this “OG” Fortnite and are still playing it despite it being older than
what they are used to.
Last Friday, November 3, Fortnite Battle Royale released their new season of the game.
This season is called “Fortnite OG” and includes features from a season of Fortnite almost five
years ago. This return to the “OG” Fortnite has brought many players back to the game and has
caused the game to reach its biggest peak of players in years. Millions of players have returned to
the game so they can experience the nostalgic feelings from five years ago.
Every time Fortnite updates to a new season, the new features bring an increase of
players to the game so they can discover all the new additions. Some seasons are more hyped up
than others and therefore bring more players than usual. This new season has brought back so
many players that the game reached a peak in the amount of people it has had playing at one
time. After the season was introduced, Fortnite had to implement a queue due to their servers
being flooded with millions more people than they were used to.
Season OG, the 45th season of Fortnite brings back elements from OG season 5. Some of
these returning features include the old map and items from season 5. Fan favorite locations and
weapons have returned with this new update to the game. The game isn’t completely identical to
season 5, there are a few elements from some of the later OG seasons and a few other minor map
adjustments. Fortnite also made the looting system resemble what it was in 2018 with the better
weapons being much rarer than they have been in recent seasons.
While most of the game has been reverted, some things are different than they were five
years ago. There are a few more elements from newer seasons that have been carried over to this
OG season of the game. Some of these include newer movement abilities, a lower cap on
materials a player can hold, and skill-based matchmaking. Skill-based matchmaking changes the
game most out of all these things. OG Fortnite had randomized matchmaking solely based on the
system you played the game on. This causes players of all skill levels to play in the same match
making some fights against less skilled players easier but fights with players better than you are
much harder. So, while the game is mostly how it was in 2018, players may spot a few
differences from back in the day.
Over the last week, many people coming back to the game have been very happy with the
old Fortnite features returning. Many people, and even some influencers, have been posting their
wins on social media hyping up the OG Fortnite season. Friends who used to play the game years
ago are returning to team up and land at their favorite locations to recreate old memories. The
internet has been flooded with posts and trends about the new season.
Why are so many more people coming back to the game after the update? Some people
have come back because they want to experience the old season again and the nostalgic feelings
that come with it. Old players are coming back to play the game they fell in love with years ago.
Although they never experienced the game all those years ago, new players are also playing the
game. These players enjoy this “OG” Fortnite and are still playing it despite it being older than
what they are used to.
Does the increase of players mean that this “OG Fortnite” is better than the seasons in the
past? In some cases, this is true. The OG seasons were a lot more simple than the more recent
ones. Sometimes, being simple is not necessarily bad. The OG seasons had a much smaller map,
fewer weapons, and less complicated features. This makes it easier to focus on the game as there
are fewer things you have to worry about. It also makes the game easier to play and understand.
This is one reason why the old seasons of Fortnite are so beloved by fans.
These old seasons were also much more balanced than recent seasons. It was much
harder for players to get a lot of the best weapons and items in OG Fortnite. In the new seasons,
players could expect to get full load-outs and be stacked as they neared the end of the match. The
OG map is also much smaller making it easier to find and fight other players. This more
balanced gameplay is more enjoyable than the challenging and sometimes unfair gameplay from
the recent seasons of the game.
When asked what he feels about the OG Fortnite, and whether he would prefer the OG
seasons or Fortnite to go back to making new maps and content, Sawyer Shiner said, “I love it. I
definitely prefer the old seasons.” Sawyer has played the game for years and experienced both
OG and new Fortnite. The OG Fortnite is enjoyed by many people who played it all those years
ago. When asked the same questions, Rhett Parker, who has only played the recent seasons said,
“This one is way better. They should make new maps with the same ideals that you have with the
OG season because it’s not necessarily the map that’s so much better, it’s just that the game is
balanced now with the loot and stuff. But they could make more maps as it’s balanced still.”
Even some newer players who never experienced the OG Fortnite prefer it to the recent seasons.
With the return of OG Fortnite, old and new players come together to experience the
game how it was years ago, making new memories or reliving old ones. This beloved game is at
an all-time high with millions of players in the game. Players old and new are having a blast with
the OG map and items. What Fortnite does next with the game is unknown. Will they do more
with the OG seasons or go back to making new content? I guess we won’t know until it happens.
past? In some cases, this is true. The OG seasons were a lot more simple than the more recent
ones. Sometimes, being simple is not necessarily bad. The OG seasons had a much smaller map,
fewer weapons, and less complicated features. This makes it easier to focus on the game as there
are fewer things you have to worry about. It also makes the game easier to play and understand.
This is one reason why the old seasons of Fortnite are so beloved by fans.
These old seasons were also much more balanced than recent seasons. It was much
harder for players to get a lot of the best weapons and items in OG Fortnite. In the new seasons,
players could expect to get full load-outs and be stacked as they neared the end of the match. The
OG map is also much smaller making it easier to find and fight other players. This more
balanced gameplay is more enjoyable than the challenging and sometimes unfair gameplay from
the recent seasons of the game.
When asked what he feels about the OG Fortnite, and whether he would prefer the OG
seasons or Fortnite to go back to making new maps and content, Sawyer Shiner said, “I love it. I
definitely prefer the old seasons.” Sawyer has played the game for years and experienced both
OG and new Fortnite. The OG Fortnite is enjoyed by many people who played it all those years
ago. When asked the same questions, Rhett Parker, who has only played the recent seasons said,
“This one is way better. They should make new maps with the same ideals that you have with the
OG season because it’s not necessarily the map that’s so much better, it’s just that the game is
balanced now with the loot and stuff. But they could make more maps as it’s balanced still.”
Even some newer players who never experienced the OG Fortnite prefer it to the recent seasons.
With the return of OG Fortnite, old and new players come together to experience the
game how it was years ago, making new memories or reliving old ones. This beloved game is at
an all-time high with millions of players in the game. Players old and new are having a blast with
the OG map and items. What Fortnite does next with the game is unknown. Will they do more
with the OG seasons or go back to making new content? I guess we won’t know until it happens.