Why you should go see “Scrooge”Davis High’s very own Dance Company along with many other dancers around DaivsCounty is putting on a performance called “Scrooge!” The classic tale of “The Christmas Carol”by C.S. Lewis is being put together in an entirely new and fun way. Dancers from all across DavisCounty, along with Davis High’s Dance Company are currently working hard to put on thisamazing and unique new way to tell the timeless tale of A Christmas Carol. The performancewill be at Weber State University on Thanksgiving weekend, and tickets are now on sale!The director and choreographer of the performance, and also the Dance Companycoach, Meredith Wright and her family are working hard to create this stunning performance.DPAC, or Davis Preforming Arts Collection, is a nonprofit organization created by the family. Youmight have heard about Grinch, the original production the organization put on for many years.But after some copyright mishaps, DPAC switched to putting on Scrooge, giving all their effortinto all original choreography and music. “We have live narrators as well as live violists, pianists,and cellists!” Mylee Lomax, a senior at Davis High Company.Mylee also has the amazing opportunity to be the leading role of Scrooge in theperformance! When asked what her favorite part of the production was, Mylee said, “Myfavorite part of being in Scrooge is the people! Davis [County] has such an amazing dancecommunity!” While Scrooge gives dancers all around an opportunity to gain experience throughall the different styles of dance integrated into the production, the program also helps connectdancers to other people their age who share their interests. “This performance is a mixture ofdance, theater, and music!” Mylee said. Even people who don’t have a lot of dance experiencewere free to join the production, people who are not only interested in dance, but in other artslike music and theater. Rahcel Bytheway, part of the Ghost of Christmas Past Ensemble, said, “Iwanted to do Scrooge because I wanted to do something different than what I usually do andexperience something new.” Through cheering each other on during auditions to having fun inthe studio learning dances, Scrooge is a positive environment that every dancer can feel safeand have fun in.
That being said, Scrooge takes a lot of work and dedication from the dancers involved as
well as the directors, teachers, parents, etc. So many people have come together to create thisamazing show and have worked long hours. “On Fridays, I have a 6-hour rehearsal,” MyleeLomax said, being the lead role in the production. Being in Scrooge no joke, but it giveseveryone involved so much experience and connection. She goes on to say, “That means I getto work with so many people with so much talent. The teachers are amazing and work so hardto make every rehearsal a party.” While Scrooge is a lot of work, everyone in it is able to makeit fun to be in, and the passion that everyone puts into the production makes all the work morethan worth it.Everyone is welcome in Scrooge! When auditions were held, everyone who stepped inwould be part of the production. No one is cut from auditions, and everyone gets a part!Dancers from all around Davis County have the opportunity to be the show, guaranteed. It’s arefreshing way to run auditions, with dancers just showing what they can do while beingcheered on my their peers. The environment in Scrooge is the most safe, fun, and entertainingplace for anyone to be.Tickets are now on sale, ranging from around $12 to $20, depending on the seat youchoose. Tickets are going by fast, so make sure you purchase one to support our DanceCompany and all the teachers, dancers, and directors who have put so much effort into thisproduction! Performances will be on Thanksgiving weekend, so don’t miss out on the fun!Without a doubt, you will be able to feel the passion all the dancers have for the performance,and it is definitely not one to miss!
Link to tickets: https://weber.evenue.net/cgi-bin/ncommerce3/SEGetEventList?groupCode=DPAC&linkID=weber-multi&shopperContext=&caller=&appCode=