Davis High School has a chance for a new dance! This dance could be our fifth dance set for
December 2nd from 7-9 p.m. It would be a girls’ choice, semi-formal dance, and it might Christmas-
themed. These details will be finalized after one requirement. The one requirement to earn the dance is
that we need to raise $4,000 for the Davis Teen Center. We will do a Spooky Sprint to collect cash funds.
The Spooky Sprint will be very similar to Dash for Cash. The Spooky Sprint will be on Wednesday,
October 11th during DTV. Student officers will be ready in every hall ready to collect donations. The
deadline for donations is Friday, October 13th. If every student gave a minimum of $2, we could easily
reach this goal!
In Utah there are about 15,500 students that are classified as homeless, 1 in 3 Utah students are
economically disadvantaged and qualify for free or reduced lunch and there was a 34% increase in Utah
students experiencing homelessness from 2020. Many of these students lack access to basic amenities
and resources. These conditions are due to circumstances such as less affordable housing available,
wage stagnation, rapid inflation, job insecurity, and mental health challenges. That is what the Davis
Teen Centers are being built to help. The Davis Teen Centers are created by repurposing previously
underutilized space in high schools and making space in newly built high schools. The teen centers can
include laundry facilities, food pantries, showers. They also give support to academic help, mental health
resources, food, college and career advisement, and advocacy. These all help disadvantaged students to
be able to have the same opportunity as the rest.
Teen centers have been proven to be imperative to be able to increase the student success and
development. These teen centers have been able to them outside of their schools. This is a very
immediate need. Davis School District has a total of 6 teen centers and the assistance has been life
altering for the students. That is why this year Davis High School will be raising money and gathering
donations for the construction of a teen center at our school.
The teen center will be partly funded by grants received from the Davis Education Foundation.
Although they are doing a lot, they can’t do it alone, our school must raise an additional $250,000. There
are 3 main ways that YOU can assist with this fundraising effort:
1. Cash Donations (this is the one that counts towards our $4,000 for the dance!!)
2. Goods and items for a silent auction held in December.
3. You can also donate needed items directly to the teen center. These items include (but are not
limited to) a comb, brush, toothpaste, toothbrush, soap/small body wash, chapstick, travel-sized
lotion, travel-sized shampoo, travel-sized conditioner, gallon Ziplock bags, and washcloths.
***The Extended Information Links can be found at the bottom of this page***
The teen centers throughout Davis School District have impacted so many lives for the better
and now Davis High School have the opportunity to get one! Don’t pass this opportunity up to have our
own teen center and make an impact on our community. This is why we need to raise more than the
minimum goal of $4,000 for if we want a dance. We can raise more money to help build our own teen
center at Davis High School and begin helping the students here achieve success and growth with ease.
You can find further information with these links:
For monetary donations:
For all donations and more information:
For any additional questions or information contact Erick Gunn.
(801) 402-8800
[email protected]
Room #: 1801