Teacher fashion at Davis High
More stories from Ellee Gapinski

Teacher fashion can be a tale tell sign of their personality. What colors they like and styles they are most
comfortable in. Some dress for comfort while others dress formal every day.
comfortable in. Some dress for comfort while others dress formal every day.
I went around asking different teachers about their wardrobe and why they wear what they wear. Going
to such a big school with so many teachers, it was easy to find teachers from each end of the fashion
Most teachers dress for comfort because they most likely stay in their room for the entire day. So, they
want to be comfortable while they do their work. Others dress nicely every day. But it is high school, so
everyone just wants to be comfortable in their own style.
Michael Wright says that on a day-to-day basis he mostly wears stage black. “It becomes a big part of
your wardrobe when in theatre.” The point of black is to not stand out when on stage. He says that he
likes getting dressed up for the “Utah High School Musical Theatre Awards” each year.
When asked to describe her day-to-day wardrobe, Ms. Moss said “Baggy and comfy.” When most think
of these they might think sweatshirt and sweatpants, which can be right. However, she turns baggy and
comfortable into something chic.
Different people dressed up for varied reasons. Some because it makes them feel confident. “When I
look good, I feel good.” says Mr. Frey. Ms. Moss says she liked to get dressed up when she goes out on
dates with her husband.
It is interesting what different people wear on an everyday basis. What makes people feel confident and
comfortable every day. Fashion is a big part of self-expression in most people’s lives.