New school in Davis County

March 29, 2023
The Davis Catalyst center is a new school in Davis County where students can go and pursue their careers. Students are allowed hands on experiences at the Catalyst center.
The Catalyst Center is in Kaysville, Utah. It officially opened April 29, 2022. The size of the center is37,717-square-foot. It was transformed from an office building, and it was designed by VCBO Architecture.
They also have many great teachers to teach the CTE class that are offered at the school. Students who are enrolled in classes spend two periods a day at the center. They have many amazing career pathways there. Some of the classes they offer are
- Computer Science
- Unmanned Systems
- Digital Entertainment and Media Production
- Business, Marketing and Entrepreneurship
- Culinary Arts
- Medical Assisting
- Pharmacy Tech
Many Davis High student are enrolled at the center. A couple years ago some representatives came to Davis high to promote the catalyst center. Many students liked the presentation so many applied to it.
“I love going to the catalyst. I’m working with real companies and I’m learning new skills that I wouldn’t have been able to learn at the classes at Davis.” Andy Nielson said. A Davis high student.
Nielson is currently in the Digital media program. “I’m not just learning about graphic design I am also learning about business stuff.” Nielson said. He is learning about how to grow and startup businesses within the digital media community.
The catalyst center gives students real life experiences. It is specifically built to partner students with industries to students athematic once in lifetime experiences. The students also agree with this statement.
“I will never forget the things I learned at the catalyst center.” Nielson said. Many students have learned things that will not only help them with their career but will also help them prepare for their lives.
The catalyst center is expanding more and more each year. Many students love the center and always enjoy attending it.