Dettes showcase dances at parent night
Saturday, December 3rd the Davis High Dettes got all ready in costume and makeup for the first time this season. After all of their hard work they finally got to show off to the people that mean the most to them.
Close friends and family are excited to finally see what their daughters have been doing for 20 hours every week.
“I was super excited to see these girls finally perform and show off all they have been working at for the people that love them the most.” Said Jeanie Watson who’s daughter (Frankie Scott) is a freshman on the team.
The girls performed the dances in the same order that they would at a competition. The order of dances was Military, Dance, and then ending with their Show routine. In between each dance the coaches would do a quick competition etiquette reminder. Things such as to being kind to the other teams. They also talked about how judging and scoring works with RPI for a reminder to returning parents and a whole explanation for those who are new.
“Its always nice to get a quick reminder about how the scored and judging works because its so complicated, I always forget.” Said Watson.
The girls performed amazingly and look more than ready for the competition coming up December 10, at Murray High School. There they will be competing against Sky Ridge, Herriman, West Jordan, Syracuse, Pleasant Grove, Weber, Lone Peak, and Mountain Ridge. There is some tough competition there, but the girls are ready for it.
“Performing at Parent Night got me so excited for the competition and I can’t wait to finally compete our dances.” Said Frankie Scott
These girls have been working since April to perfect their dances. Parent night was a great pre-competition performance to get the girls pumped for this weekend. They are more than ready to finally put all they got on that Murray gym floor.