Christmas traditions

December 16, 2022
Throughout the whole entire world, Christmas is celebrated in so many different countries and ways. Now even though we may all celebrate the same holiday, that doesn’t mean we celebrate it all the same. For example, some people like to put up their Christmas tree before Thanksgiving, and others like to put it up after.
America is full of random traditions during the holiday season. From leaving out milk and cookies for Santa Claus, to wearing the ugliest Christmas sweater to a holiday party. However, the most common tradition for Christmastime is to decorate the tree.
“We are definitely early Christmas decorators, we don’t even put-up Thanksgiving decorations. As soon as November 1st hits, Christmas is in full swing at my house.” Kendra Murdock replied.
Christmas Eve can look a little bit different for all of us. There are many things to do, you can have a big party with your extended family, watch movies, play games, eat lots of yummy food or a combination of any of those.
This is usually how Christmas day goes in most households; first you wake up and meet the family by the Christmas tree and that’s where you present from Santa are and then you open presents and spend the rest of the day in your pajamas and have a feast for dinner.
“For Christmas dinner we always have smoked brisket and so we call it ‘Merry Briskmas’ and it’s definitely a family favorite.” Jared Beckstrand answered.
If you’re in need of some traditions in your family, here’s just a few, make gingerbread houses together, bake Christmas cookies, go ice skating, make a big Christmas dinner, build a snowman, go caroling, have a white elephant party, “adopt” an elf on the shelf, and have a family sleepover under the Christmas tree.
Now Christmas isn’t just about traditions and getting presents, it’s about family and helping those who are less fortunate. So, we must do our part and donate to those in need so they can have their own Christmas and their own Christmas traditions.
“Me and my family always try to remember the real reason for the season by donating to homeless shelters and toy drives because I believe that everybody deserves something during the holiday season.” Camille Beckstand said.
Well, if this doesn’t get you into the Christmas spirit then I don’t know what will! I hope that you have a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year