Academic Allstate
A+, simply the best.
November 7, 2022
The academic all-state list came out and Davis High once again produced several top tier student athletes. Parker Romney was one of the few students capable of maintaining a 4.0 GPA while being a member of the football team.
“Honestly, the hardest part about homework is just starting it after being at practice. Once I get started on it, I can just bang it out,” Parker Romney explained with confidence in his voice.
It must be difficult for Romney having to wake up at 6:30 for school then having to practice until 5:30 every day. Romney is forced to do homework right away when he gets home, and unfortunately takes three hours to get it all done.
“My hardest class is definitely AP chemistry. It feels like we learn something new every time and there is a lot of homework that goes with it. If I need help with it, I go in on Wednesday mornings,” Romney stated with an annoyed tone.
AP chemistry is one of the hardest AP classes with constant lectures and labs it is difficult to stay on top of it. Even though Romney has a 4.0 he still struggles sometimes. Coming in on Wednesday morning is a great resource for all students at Davis High.
“Football has really helped me learn to fail. If I mess up, I have to stand up do it again and flush my mistakes,” Romney said with some pride.
Learning from mistakes can be extremely helpful in everything. Romney can do it in football, so why should he not do it in school as well? Romney has taken the lessons he learned from football and has applied it to his schoolwork.
“I would like to go to BYU or the University of Utah for college because it is not too far from home and cheap compared to other big schools. If I go there, I want to do pre-med then go to somewhere out of state for med school,” Romney happily explained.
Both BYU and the University of Utah have great pre-med programs. With Romney being a top student, it is safe to say that he will have many options for med school in the future. Hopefully, Romney will be able to secure a few scholarships to help with the cost.
Parker Romney has a bright future ahead of him. Romney has gained a lot of experience from being on the football team, but even more importantly has learned from school and hopes to be a successful doctor.