Haunted houses you should visit this spooky season!

October 27, 2022
This fall Black Island Farms is one very popular haunted house in the area. Mara Wilkes
said “because the haunted house is outside to some people it might not seem as captivating.
Although the setting isn’t traditional there’s plenty of scary/ enthusiastic actors.”
said “because the haunted house is outside to some people it might not seem as captivating.
Although the setting isn’t traditional there’s plenty of scary/ enthusiastic actors.”
She also said “there’s also lots of other fun activities to do besides the haunted house
that will keep you there all night. The only cons are it’s easy to get lost in the dark and
depending on the time of night the lines may be long.”
Another popular haunted house in the area is fear factory! Fear factory is known for
being one of the scarier haunted houses in the area and it definitely meets that expectation this
According to Cayla Sandall “fear factory was really fun with my friends, they had good
music playing while we were in line, and everyone was singing and dancing.” She even said that
a con for her was that it was too scary!
This haunted house is defiantly for people who are okay with being in a scary setting.
Because of how popular fear factory is it gets supper busy so if your thinking about going you
better start planning!
Haunted Hallow is another haunted house in the area but is more know for it’s fun
environment. Although you might get a few jump scars, haunted hallow is a good choice if you
don’t like to be super scared.
What makes it fun is the setting “the woods” but also how long it is and afterwards they
have food trucks and places to sit around the fire.
Before getting in line they have a themed room you walk through and this year’s theme
was stranger things, also while waiting in line they play a scary movie on a big projector.