Girls Soccer secures a spot at state
The girls’ soccer team travels down to Zions Bank Stadium to play a cross town rival Farmington, for a shot at winning a state title.
The darts finalized a spot in the state championship when they came out with a 3-0 win over Skyridge in the semifinals. Quickly after the win, the darts have been prepping towards Farmington. Trusting in each other has been a big focus in dart’s type of playstyle.
“Trust is very important to us because it is a part of how we play and how we succeed, trusting in each other is going to help us going into the state game.” One of the team captains Emery Jacobs said.
The whole community can feel the intensity and buildup of the game. This is the first state game the Farmington phoenix has ever played in; this builds up the emotions of the Phoenix even more. The community has seen the tension from Football, Volleyball, and the previous Soccer games this fall.
“The game will be more intense knowing were playing our cross-town rival for a state title.” Jacobs said.
The darts are confident going into this game knowing they have already played Farmington multiple times. The darts have beat them before and feel that they are comfortable with what type of team Farmington is.
“Confidence going into the game is important, we are familiar with our opponent which helps boost confidence going into the game.” Head coach Souli Phongsavath said.
The coaching staff is very excited about this game knowing how well the girl’s chemistry is and how they work together. The darts have a strong relationship and a special bond that makes them the team they are.
The darts hope to turn a cross town rival game into a state title tonight as they travel down the Zion Banks stadium today at 1pm.

Josh Wood Is a Professional photographer for many Utah sports teams and leagues. Josh Is a senior atDavis High. He is writing for the Davis High...