UCAW at Davis High School

October 19, 2022
College applications feel overwhelming – almost impossible, for many high school
seniors. Luckily, on October 3rd and 4th at Davis High School, college representatives from
almost all Utah schools were here to assist students in the application process and ease some
Many students agree that once they start an application, and with the help of college
representatives, it isn’t as difficult or overwhelming as they thought.
“I honestly didn’t even want to go to college, but I came down anyway and now I have
two applications submitted.” One student says after their experience with the college reps.
The college representatives do a fantastic job of providing information about college
applications, and the seniors at Davis High School have been learning a lot of useful information
from them.
Many students haven’t had anyone to assist them as they navigate their way through the
college application process. Because of this, those students have given up and decided not to
give college a shot. UCAW has been able to change that for many students.
The college representatives may all be from different schools, but there is one thing they
all have in common – their advice to students.
“College applications allow you to explore all opportunities.” Said Brittney Stinger, SUU
“It’s free, why not apply? Keeps doors open.” Garrett Hendrickson from USU says to
students who are reluctant to apply.
Although the college representatives were only visiting Davis High for two days, UCAW
is happening all over the state for the entire month of October. Applications fees will be waived
all month. Codes to waive fees can be found on the Keys to Success Website.
After submitting college applications, the hard part is over. There are so many things to
look forward to about college.
“Freedom, good opportunities, and picking your own schedule,” are what SUU student,
Kalvin Stinger, says are his favorite things about college life.
College may be a significant life change for high school seniors, but there is lots to look
forward to. Submitting college applications is the first step, and UCAW is a great time to do it.