Combating Senioritis

January 5, 2022

Many seniors are feeling disillusioned with school and ready for it to end. They are probably feeling less motivation to get up and go to class and really, who can blame them? They’ve been at this for a while.

These lackadaisical feelings are called “senioritis” and it is so real that Microsoft Word recognizes it as a real word.

How can seniors stay motivated to stay in class and keep their grades up? Here’s a few ideas:

  1. Take advantage of the resources school offers.

Davis High has a lot of resources that can help you earn scholarships, or generally build up activities that are going to look good to colleges.

If you have time, talk to Ms. Sommers about scholarships. If those scholarships require essays, take advantage of the writing lab and English teachers who are willing to help you edit.

  1. Join a club.

Joining a club always looks good to colleges, and some clubs may even offer service opportunities that look even better.  Additionally, getting in touch with like-minded people in a club can help you feel more motivated to show up at school for your new friends.

  1. Set goals for yourself.

Set goals for yourself in terms of your grades, projects, and athletics. Having goals to work towards can give you another reason to show up and do your best at school. Set goals for term grades as well as individual projects.

If you’re an athlete, push yourself to break your own personal records within a self-imposed deadline.

  1. Take breaks.

While it is always a good idea to push yourself, don’t forget to be kind to yourself as well. School is hard, and the last year of high school can feel especially taxing. It’s important to have fun at this time in your life an enjoy being a kid.

So take time for your hobbies and friends, and be sure to get enough sleep.

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