Davis fall activities
Halloween is officially over, yet just because haunted houses, pumpkin painting, and apple picking might be over, that doesn’t mean the fun has to go out with it. Between apple cider, sweater season, and falling leaves there’s still much to do. Davis high students know where to begin with this.
“My family used to go to logan and do this little fall nature walk when I was really little. It’s been a family tradition and we do it every year even though its not a serious hike.” Said Aubrey Morris, a senior at Davis high.
Hiking is a great activity for most, but there are some things that wouldn’t require as much effort. Henry Schuller, also a senior at Davis high, said that his favorite activity for fall was sitting under a tree and reading a book while the leaves fall around him. For all the readers out there, this might be a good way to get caught up on a good book while enjoying beautiful surroundings.
“When I used to live at my old house we had a huge tree, we would make big piles of leaves and we’d hide in them.” Told Phebe Ramsdell, a senior at Davis high.
Yet along with this, there are some fun Davis high fall activities going on. On the 25th the school held a pumpkin painting competition. They also did pumpkin bowling, and a thankful wall that the whole school could participate in.
“I love carving and painting pumpkins and I was really happy that the school did a painting activity because you got to see a lot of students creativity and we had lots of treats.” Said Eliza Thaxton (one of Davis highs student body officers)
Davis high hosts a lot of fun fall activities and even if you cannot participate, there are many other fun activities, and these examples are few of many.

My name is Zoe, I love anything outdoors, mini dance party's, and if you ever need to tell a good joke I'll most likely laugh at anything