Davis Volleyball comes in clutch with the win
The Davis volleyball team went up against Weber Tuesday after school and completely dominated. They played the best 3 out of 5 sets and Davis shut down Weber on the first 3 sets. With the final tip from Brynlee Bush, Davis won the game!
The 3rd set was so intense. For a lot of the set Weber and Davis were neck and neck. Many players made incredible hits including Brynlee Bush, Loryn Helgeson, and Aubrey Nielson. Throughout the game you could tell that the team became more and more focused on their end goal, taking the win.
Keeping the intense air, there were communication problems from both teams and outstanding blocks. I thought there were so many close calls between plays but in the end being on the edge of your seat through every play was exciting and exhilarating. Each hit took a compelling amount of skill and focus for each player on the court.
“We definitely played better as a team and had better focus on the court.” Coach Mckay Barker said.
As the set went on the scoreboard became a ticking time bomb. One point after the other after the other; getting more and more intense. Taking all the time needed for a last play, Davis came in clutch with a 26-24 set win! I couldn’t have had more adrenaline pumping through my body even from the bleachers.
“I felt we could totally beat them.” said confident Loryn Helgeson, Middle Blocker, after the game.
Loryn was in for most of the game and killed it. She did amazing! Block after block and hit after hit she was deemed an important asset for the Davis volleyball team. Talking to her after the game was so fun and seeing her outside the intensity of the game was amazing. She is so sweet.
Although Davis won the game there are always things the team could work on.
“I’m always happy with a win, but there are still some areas where we could do better.” Coach Barker and Loryn Helgeson both agree.
The volleyball team killed it! With improvement and hopefully many more wins in the future for the Davis High volleyball team, this season looks like it’s going to continue to be a great one!

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