Student Spotlight: David Spjut

David is a legend here at Davis High School and he will remembered for lasting years for the records he has broken and the memories he has made for teachers and students.

David Spjut is a multi sport athlete here at Davis, but is mostly remembered for his football career. David has been a starter on the football team since he was a freshman in high school, and has made such great strides while he has played. David has earned a scholarship to Southern Utah University on a football scholarship, but will serve a full time LDS mission first.

David hasn’t just succeeded on the football field, he is a honor roll student at Davis High and has maintained a near perfect gpa throughout high school. I asked David what was the most challenging part of high school was, and he replied, “I think balancing all of my responsibilities in my life was very hard to do, there was so much going on at times that I couldn’t focus all on one thing. I worked so hard to be where I’m  at in my high school career, and I am proud of how I finished.”

I asked David what were some of his favorite memories in high school and he had to think for a minute to decide just one. “I loved the time that I had with my friends while playing football, and just spending time in general. I made so many great relationships with my teammates and coaches and they impacted my lives in so many great ways, and taught me many great lessons that I will carry with me throughout my life.” David replied. David is such a great friend to everyone he crosses paths with and he makes such a great impact by the example he leads by in his life.