The Year Ahead for the Davis High Boys Soccer Team
The Davis High boys soccer team has finished their tryouts and is heading into the 2021-2022 season. With a global pandemic and the previous season being cut short, the season ahead has been a big mystery- until now. Although last year’s seniors got an unfortunate exit, they passed the torch on to some new prospects on the team. And they think this season will be a good one.
“I think we will be strong compared to last year, especially with the season being cut short” replied mid-field Elliot Pehrson on being asked how the season will be now that tryouts are over.
Star senior Simon Jensen had a similar opinion, saying, “I think this year will between us and Weber; we will be one of the top dogs.”
As last year’s seniors left, it seemed to concern Simon Jensen. He said, “We lost our star forward and one of the best goalies I’ve ever gotten to play with, but I have confidence in this year’s team and look forward to playing at Rio Tinto.”
When asked what will be different this season compared to last, Junior Cooper Barnes said, “With last year being cut short, our team chemistry needs to be put in priority. We haven’t had the previous experience to see how each other play, and I look forward to seeing how it goes.”
Coming in after Covid, the new team and players have less experience than previous seasons. But Elliot viewed this as a positive: “We have a pretty young team that I can grow with. Last year we had a lot of seniors, so it will be interesting to see how we do on our own, especially in our senior year “.
All three replied that they wanted more student appearance at the games. Simon said, “I want a mob, from the beginning to the end. I want support from everyone.”
Cooper and Elliot had similar responses, saying “We need more students to come to the games. It would be cool to see a mob like the football games have.”
Davis heads into their first of two pre-season games against Weber this week, and then it’s off to the races as the season starts.