The Garden Plot takes on Region at the Battle of the Bands.

Gabriel York Stephenson, Writer and big baller

The battle of the bands is a state wide competition organized by PTA members between high-school bands. At Davis High The Garden plot with its five members and indie rock theme being the only entry is now moving on to the region finals. “Girls and clout.” is all the drummer Ian had said with a laugh when asked why he and the band entered into the competition. The bassist Gavin Cox replied “I am excited to see how far we go and to let more people hear our music.”

The lead guitarist Tanner Stuart said “Competition with squid picnic  is my highest ambition.” when I asked him what he looked forward too at the region finals he also wanted to let the competitors know “We play proud and we play loud.” with a smirk on his face. He wasn’t alone on this because the lead singer and song writer Baxter Adams responded with a similar message and seriousness “Beating squid picnic our rival band from bountiful.”. Ian wanted to let his competitors to know “We are here for a good time and and to win, mainly to win.”

The Garden plot has been a band since late 2019 and has released 1 song “Suburbs” with over one hundred thousand listens across various platforms with more songs on the way. “Grunge, rock, and coca” are the three words Ian used to describe their paying style. Baxter said the bands main inspiration has been the Beatles he also said “I do most of the writing with a few hints and clues from the rest of the band along the way”. Tanner hopes to be able to play in front of the school when I asked him if he wanted to let the student body know anything. Ian responded with “I am confident in us and I know what we can do” The Garden Plot representing Davis High enters into the region finals this month.