Having a billion dollars that worth it!?

January 25, 2021
Hmm So the question is literally insane to ask anybody. But really what do you think you would do with a billion dollars? For me I’d use that money to invest in YouTube equipment, buy my nice car my nice house. But then you might be one who might want to do something else with that money. Who knows if your are a type of person that’s awesome. I would place some in saving and then give the rest to charity. Now here’s the real thing there’s so many things you are able to buy anything really you could buy so many things with that haha. But the issue of having that much money you have to be careful with how you use it. You might go into debt that might not be the best idea to do. Because that be insane amount of money you would have to get all the money back. But if it’s all in cash then like there’s not really an issue because I mean its not from the bank so you should be fine. But you could be one of those people who decided to just invest all of there money and also give most to charity and then the rest into the bank to have there money have more. A lot of my friends said mostly things for their YouTube channel. His name is Mason chamberlain he would use most of that money for YouTube equipment so that he can do much better videos and streams. my other friend told me he wasn’t sure what he wanted to do with 1 billion dollars. get out of debt, set up an emergency fund, invest a lot of it for your future, and then perhaps make a down payment on a new home, buy a new car, and take a big trip! You are full of a lot of things for this much money there’s literally endless things you are able to attend and do. most people will go all crazy and spend everything that they can buy. Imagine everyone having 1 billion dollars. Hold up!? is that even possible for everyone in the world to have one billion dollars. Study’s show that if you give everyone 1 billion dollars in the world. everything will go up for instance hamburgers will go up to 1,000 dollars for just one! Can you believe that it’s insane house prices will go up as well, they will go up to 250,000 dollars for a house. more money printed the more it will cost for everything. So think about it. Do you really want everyone to have that much money?! Even after what I’ve said in this story?