How to combat burnout

Aspen Bishop, Writer

It’s halfway through the year! As the semester changes and everyone is saying “We are already halfway done!”, you may be feeling “Only halfway?”. That’s what I am here to help you fix. It’s important to get your mental state up, at least enough to make it until you really feel like you’re nearing the end.

I have been burnt out since my freshman year (I’m from New York, Freshman year is in High School). It was probably my worst year, and all I could think was ‘3 more years of this?’. This time of the year was my worst. I was so tired.

Now that I’m a senior, I have some tips that I’ve learned throughout my almost 4 years of high school.

First is to take classes that you like. I know, I know, you may not be able to switch now, but it’s something to keep in mind for next year. Don’t just take classes because your friends are taking them. Take them because they sound interesting.

If you can’t take classes you like, find something, anything, that you like about each class. Maybe it’s the teacher or that your seat is close to the window. It could be socializing or having some quiet and peace.

Second is something you can control a bit better. Try doing your homework in a new place. Obviously with COVID being a problem, you may have trouble, but with the weather warming up more places should open up. Trying a different room in your house, going outside, or even doing homework in your car can help a lot with ridding yourself of the gray mood you’re in.

You can also try to find a specific motivation to get good grades. Whether it’s a club, a sport, or a job you like, it can give you motivation to do your work. This was evident to me in my sophomore year when I joined a my school’s rowing team. Motivation helped a lot.

You are also going to want to find a way to focus. I know a lot of times when you’re burnt out it’s really hard to focus, but find a way. Whether it be giving it to your parent or setting it aside, you should probably get rid your phone. It is the biggest distraction. Other than that, find a quiet place to work and maybe get a snack.

Now this tip is going to sound a bit strange, but one that I have found to work for a lot of different people. Journaling. Whether it be a small gratitude journal, one where you answer a couple of questions, or a journal about your daily life, there is something about journaling that makes people productive. I’ve seen it, I’ve lived it. It is truly strange, but absolutely true.

Honestly, what really helped me was a combination of all these things. But it mainly came with a change of mindset. It came when I realized that being smart or studious aren’t inherent traits. They aren’t aspects of a person that are developed in the womb from DNA. It had to do with environment and how one conducted themselves. I could become a studious person and get good grades if I just worked to do so.

This is how I changed from someone who had been burnt out for a long time, a chronic procrastinator, into someone who worked hard, got assignments done on time, and got good grades.

Changing your mindset is best advice I can give you. If you want to become a better person, a smarter student, more outgoing, kinder, all you have to do is believe you can and work towards it. So, if you want to become less burnt out, all you have to do is change your mindset and take actions to get there.

If all you do are the first five tips, and never open your mindset to change, you won’t change. I know, I’ve been there. But if you open your mindset to change, everything is so much easier. New habits are easier to create, old habits are easier to get rid of. You can become a different person.