How did we not get closed down after the Covid-19 test !?

February 8, 2021
Okay I know what you are going to say and I was thinking the same thing!? So there were literally 500 people who got tested, And there were only one person that tested positive which he got quarantined before they did the test. But thank goodness. Which means still we get school which is awesome. It’s great to be having school because if we did close down again, we would have to online schooling which sucks! Microsoft word and Zoom. So why were they trying to test 500 people. wouldn’t that just make use be more likely to get covid-19? But I mean they know what there doing. Which This it creepy to talk to the girl you like friends for advice about her? Took a risk to see who and how many people were or could have caught the virus. They had to have been checked two times. Now I don’t know about you but, for me that be a pain the butt to have to do that. Would that mean they had to take two different test? Wait, two test like nose and then mouth? still confused with these type of things. How come they haven’t tested us? I know were not in the school teams but, like don’t you think we should have been tested to if we might have got it. Okay but to be real if we are 6 feet from someone and not wearing mask they couldn’t get or could they? besides that there really shouldn’t be an issue of us having to test that many people. Didn’t they tell us that the vaccine was really close to be working? Okay be serious though who controls Health Department?! seriously doesn’t anyone think its Bill gates? Or is that just me? Anyways how is it possible out of 500 students there was only one person tested for covid-19 ridiculously lucky. How it’s insane why has this virus not gone away!? They told us that it was going to be done by December. Why hasn’t that not happened? It’s very frustrated that it’s still there. Some of the people have been having vaccines reaction from them because of the materials in the vaccine they make. But sadly we still have to soft closing for the rest of the week so… Great! But I mean we won’t have to go to school anymore for the rest of the week. Hope 2021 is much better then 2020 haha. But Good luck Davis.