Class of 2021 Withstand Pandemic

Safina Rehman, Writer

Seniors have drastically been affected by COVID-19 this school year and many are saddened by the high school experiences they will leave without. The final year of high school is typically envisioned to be the most exciting one of all four. It is the ending to a full 12 years of grade school and a wrap up of memorable adolescence. The dances, dates, and hangouts are some of the things many would love to go back and feel. It’s remembered by many adults to be a very important and exciting time, but that might not be the case for the graduating class of 2021.

“Dances are most fun during senior year since everyone goes all out for their last ones.”

Says Shareef Rehman, a past student at Davis High.

Now that everyone is currently trying to stop the spread of the infamous corona virus, many schools have enforced social distancing and a hybrid schedule. This change has caused dances to be cancelled, a limited amount of sports game tickets, and way less students at school. For seniors, the school spirit just doesn’t seem to be there.

“Its super weird, the halls are quiet and a lot of my friends go to school on a different day than me.”

Says Davis high senior Halee Richmond.

Although the seniors this year definitely aren’t going to get the experience they hoped for, it hasn’t stopped them from enjoying the finale of this chapter in their lives. Students have hosted their own smaller dances, planned their own get togethers, and continue to make more unforgettable memories. High school in the middle of a pandemic isn’t fair or ideal, but it won’t stop this year’s seniors from enjoying one of the most eventful times in their lives. Covid will not pose any threat as these students transition into adulthood.