The things we love

Kaiya Kawaguchi

More stories from Kaiya Kawaguchi

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What is everyone missing out on? The answer: A lot!  Every person in the world has something they are passionate about, and because of this virus a lot of people are unable to do the things they love.

I understand a wide majority of Davis High School is involved in a school activity. Whether it be a sport or club. We are all having with drawl from our passions.

Right now I am in a major with drawl form Cheer. I miss my cute team and all the cool things my coaches have to teach me! It’s also very sad because this week would be our cheer tryouts, but they have been postponed for a later date sadly. So for the time being I am continually working on my cheer skills and just trying to improve. I am almost positive that all our athletes attending Davis High are doing the same thing, working hard for when their season comes again!

I know that we aren’t only missing our sports and clubs, But all our friends. I know I miss seeing all my friends in the halls and Friday nights! But hopefully this quarentine comes to an end as soon as possible! But for now we all need to follow the guidelines that have been set for us; stay home, stay safe!

I hope we are all in school together once again. Stay safe and healthy!!