A whole new world: foreshadowing and detailing
Last year, my sophmore year of high school, I happen to have had the best English course of my life. One thing I had the pleasure of learning about was the power of foreshadowing and detail in films and literature. Well, the arts in general.
Let’s take the Count of Monte Cristo for example. So much of that beloved piece of art, both in the form of moving pictures and literature, has an immense amount of foreshadowing and detail. That is, after all, why it is considered to be one of the best pieces of literary arts that this world has obtained.
“Foreshadowing in movies is essential to a point. If it is too obvious than it ruins how the entire movie is perceived.” – Mitchell Johnson.
Even small details that may seem minor to the work can make or break the entire film, novel, or art piece. Things as simple as the shadows used to differentiate the good from the evil, the composition of outfits and characters, similar references from movies to books, expressions, reactions, and sneak peeks can determine how well the overall product will turn out.
“I love when movies and books use foreshadowing because it is so fun and interesting to look for those little hints that lead to the finale, and I like detailing because it adds more depth to the picture of whatever it is that you are looking at.” – Thomas Lassache
Being able to have such wonderful form of not only entertainment, but objects to help us stimulate thoughts and emotion is such an amazing thing. Everybody seems to be waiting for the next advancement in our society, but we already have everything we need. We have wonderful forms of technology of old and new. All that we want, all that we need, and a little bit more.
“Sometimes I think that I need more, but there is so much to look for in things that we already have. Especially that of the fine arts departments.” – Matthew Ralston