People worldwide rise up amidst coronavirus chaos

Claire Young

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People everywhere are rising up and doing their part to ensure an optimistic future for all mankind, despite the utter chaos that has come from the global pandemic COVID-19.

The coronavirus has brought our species to its knees and has changed everyone’s life in some way. As a result of the disease, schools have shut down, travel has ceased, many are quarantined, and all are encouraged to socially distance themselves. These abrupt, pertinent changes to our lives have the potential to cause feelings of isolation, discouragement, or hopelessness. However, that has not been the case. In fact, this life-altering disease has initiated a worldwide fight for happiness that has never been seen before.

The impact of the coronavirus has brought a unique sense of focus for people. It has, in a way, simplified our lives to allow for much-needed physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual healing. For example, locals are embracing nature more in an attempt to safely and healthily escape their homes for a moment. Families and individuals are walking, biking, and simply enjoying the outdoors far more than they did before the coronavirus.

Also, life has become immensely less busy due to the cancellation of most sports and events as well as remote school and work. This allows people to spend more time with their families and to focus on what truly matters to them. Too often, our vision becomes clouded as we become caught up in daily tasks and responsibilities. Social distancing has provided a unique opportunity to set aside those daily troubles and focus on what’s important.

Instead of causing isolation, social distancing has, ironically, brought a newfound sense of community. People are reaching out more and making a greater effort to take care of each other. Many have offered to go grocery shopping for their elderly neighbors who are at a higher risk of getting sick. Others have launched online support groups for those who struggle with anxiety about COVID-19-related issues.

Many people are also trying to better support local businesses in this trying time. Restaurants are particularly suffering right now with much fewer customers and much less in-dining eating. One man in Draper created a website where people can buy gift cards to help restaurants stay afloat while not risking their health. Another restaurant customer left a $1,100 tip for the staff of the restaurant- many of whom he knew would likely be losing their jobs when the dine-in ban went into effect.

Not only are locals supporting businesses, but the reverse is happening as well. One local bakery has been giving away 2 free loaves of bread to its customers. The first loaf is to help the customer and their family during this time, and the second is for the customer to give to someone else who could benefit from it. Many grocery stores are also giving away free toilet paper and other supplies for those who need it.

There is also a greater emphasis on promoting medical research and supporting medical professionals. The University of Utah, a major advocate of medical research, launched a White Ribbon campaign in support of medical staff. IKEA also contributed to this effort by donating 50,000 face masks from their warehouse to a major hospital.

Social media has become a safe space where people are sharing positive and uplifting messages of hope as well as necessary information in this time of darkness and confusion. Many celebrities have used their social media platforms to promote optimism and many have donated their time and money to the cause. For example, Donovan Mitchell paid for students’ meals during public school closures. Rudy Gobert donated $500,000 to support COVID-19 relief. Ryan Reynolds and Blake Lively donated $1 Million to Feeding America and Food Banks Canada, and Jimmy Fallon rose $20,000 to give to Feeding America.

The examples are endless. People are taking control of their futures, refusing to be crushed by this pandemic. This disease has united us in a way that could never have been imagined, and it has brought about changes to our society that we desperately needed. So, stay optimistic, for we are not faltering in the face of this trial, but growing stronger.