Davis High Swim: The Reasons Behind Our Teams Success

Isaac Chamberlain

This year the Davis high swim team has been working very hard to do good in competitions. Now their hard work has paid off. The team got ninth place for girls and sixth place for boys during the State competition.This is an impressive feat, but not exactly surprising considering the results of the Regional competition. For Regionals, girls got second place and boys got first this past competition. So how did the team do so well? Lauryn Hall shared some of her personal ways to keep herself motivated.

Lauryn Hall has been very dedicated to swimming. She got into the Davis high swimming team last year after some of her friends suggested it. However, she started swimming way before that, eight years ago. She has done very well, last year achieving the state record.

One of her personal ways to stay motivated in swimming is to switch sports. Whenever she kind of gets bored of swimming, she switches to work on a different sport and then goes back to swimming.

Being on the swim team is really hard work. They practice for two hours every weekday, and still have to keep up with their other school commitments. There is a lot of waiting as well during the swim meets, according to Lauryn. She said that it is so worth it, despite the long waits. Lauryn was super happy to win the state record last year, saying there’s no feeling quite like it. Imagine pushing yourself so hard and then accomplishing such a big goal. Not to mention, you get to be with a group with the same motivations and goals as you. You get to be together and be part of something bigger than yourself.

Lauryn suggests joining the team if you like swimming. She said that it’s really easy to get on the team and so worth it.

Remember to congratulate any of your friends who are on the swim team for putting in such a great effort!