Jax Pearce: One of the top basketball players in the state

Kaiya Kawaguchi

More stories from Kaiya Kawaguchi

Photo cred: Deseret News

Learn a little bit more about Davis High’s, #22, state leader in blocks: Jax Pearce.

Jax Pearce has played basketball since he was five. When he was eight he played on a rec team with most of the guys he plays with at Davis High. This was the start to him becoming a starter at Davis. Jax has contributed a ton to our 2020 team. At the home game against Layton, one of the biggest games in state, he averaged 6 points 1 assist and 3 rebounds. Overall Jax has scored 156 points while being on the varsity team at Davis High. One of his favorite memories of this years basketball season was beating Fremont for the first time!

“My favorite thing about playing at Davis is the environment, playing with all my buddies, and the crowds energy.” -Jax Pearce(senior)

Because everyone knows state is coming up, Jax was asked what his expectations for state really were.

He kept it very simple, “We honestly just want to win it!” – Jax Pearce(senior)

And that is what Jax Pearce and his other Davis High teammates intend to do.

Jax not only is the state leader in blocks, he has a few other talents up his sleeve that you might want to hear. He said he can drive green on hole 18 on the Davis golf course. Jax Pearce also plays for the boys volleyball club at Davis high school. Three talents, is pretty impressive.

Jax’s high school basketball career is close to an end, but he has made a huge impact on our school and community through him doing what he loves, basketball. He not only is the state leader in blocks, but he also brings the community together by playing at these high school games. So, make sure you all pull up to the state game to cheer on Davis Highs very own, Jax Pearce.