Ceramics: Why you should give it a spin
Tucker Davis and Paige Nelson in Ceramics
The Ceramics Program has been at Davis High School for a long time, but why should we take it at all? Most students only sign up for the class to fill the required art credit for graduation. So why did the advanced ceramics 3 students choose to continue with this so called “Filler Class”.
There are only 3 advanced classes offered in ceramics after completing level 1; Level 2, Level 3, and Advanced Placement. The level 2 and 3 students are squished into 1 class. You only can reach Ceramics 3 and AP after completing 1 and 2 first. With Ceramics only being offered to Juniors and Seniors, it is clear why there are only 4 levels.
Lona Karras, the ceramics teacher at Davis High, said “Our classes are full at the start of the semester until kids realize what this class is and then they drop it.”
She is referring to the actual work that these artists have to endure to finish a project.
“One of the biggest cons of this class is needing the patience to wait for your work to be all the way completed and done right.” said Ethan Geisler, a ceramics 3 student.
The patience factor is a big part of this class, because you have to wait for your clay to dry a specific amount to be able to work with it ideally. It teaches you patience, because that is what is required to get a good grade. You will learn that you just can’t rush it, and that you have to have patience and wait until everything is done to perfection to get the best grade possible.
All the points leading up to this have been telling you the work you have to do in Ceramics, but what about the good times?
When Paige Nelson, a level 3 student, was asked about why she chose to continue ceramics after level 1 she responded,”…the vibe, the atmosphere, and the music…”
This plays onto Tucker Davis’s statement, another Level 3 student, about it being “…relaxing and helps you get in touch with your artistic side.”
When Ethan Geisler was asked this question, he was caught off guard but very happy to answer en-telling “… I love my classmates and all the good times we have in the class. Between brainstorming ideas, back and forth to the cereal and hot cocoa parties, it’s all just a blast!”
So should you give ceramics a try? That’s up to you, but when you are looking at the class list, signing up for next year’s classes, stop and think maybe that little blogger boy was right and I should just give it a try.
![Photo of Wylie Gordon](https://www.davishighnews.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/01/MIL_0271-475x317.png)
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