Is technology ruining our youth

January 16, 2020
I will be one of the first to admit that I have an addiction to my phone and I can guarantee almost 90 percent of people will say the same thing. Its almost as if it’s extension of our bodies. Like a vital organ that we are reliant on. We become scared if its not with us and we fear what will happen if it dies.
The focus issues it has created are increasing rapidly. I notice myself checking my screen every 5 minutes hoping for a new notification to pass my time and make me feel accepted by a digital society. I can’t even Watch a full tv show or movie anymore without continuously looking at my phone. Like I said our bodies have latched onto these devices and become reliant on them like a drug we can’t live without.
I see it in the younger generations coming up. They are being raised from birth on a technological device because its easier for a parent to put an iPad in front of their children then to actually take care of them. I barely see my little sister anymore because she locks herself in her room on a tablet all day. Children are losing social skills, creativity and outdoor fun that we used to be raised on, new parents are learning bad habits to start a family, teenagers struggle with insecurities, depression, bullying, and loving their self-image more than ever before.
Society’s opinions and decisions are being influenced immensely by social media and modern technology. We idolize people through social media who are no better than us. Technology is a part of rapidly growing future that this world has. But if we don’t learn how to adapt and grow but also maintain and not forget the old qualities that make us human. I’m afraid the word human will no longer mean what it used to.