ACT Prep Ideas

Kaitlyn Tennant

More stories from Kaitlyn Tennant

Alright, students of Davis High, it is officially ACT season! The juniors have a practice ACT coming up on the 22nd and the 23rd and they have the state ACT on March 3rd. Being a junior myself, I am especially dreading all of the prep and stress that comes along with this huge test. However, I have been doing a little research and have found some very good resources that can help you prepare yourself for the ACT! Some cost money, but some are free and all of them are not very hard to obtain or to sign up for. 

The first and most obvious resource is the Official ACT Prep Guide 2019-2020 book. This option will cost you about $20 at your local target. Prices vary depending on where you get them, but you can order them from pretty much anywhere. There is also an Official ACT Prep Pack, but that one will cost you about $45.

The second way to prep yourself for the ACT is to download and ACT app right on your phone! This way is a little easier than going to find an ACT prep guide or ordering the book because it is quick and easy. There are six very highly rated apps that you can download, most costing you a little money. Rated number one is the Magoosh ACT app, this will cost you about $49.50 but they have many amazing features like study schedules, video lessons, and mobile accessibility. Second in rank is the Princeton Review ACT app, this will also cost you some money, but the prices vary depending on what courses you want to take. Third is an app called Testive, which provides live video lessons. Fourth is the Kaplan ACT app which will provide many practice tests that come from the makers of the ACT. Fifth is the ACT Online Prep app which also comes directly from the makers of the ACT. It has over 2,400 practice questions that have come from previous ACTs and is pretty affordable costing $39.95 for six months of access. The last app is Barron’s ACT which is the least pricey option of all. This is a self-paced online course that will provide practice tests and questions from previous ACT’s.

The third way that I found was to take a free ACT prep class at your very own Davis High! The class meets one day a week and focuses on different sections of the ACT each time to help you improve your score on those specific categories. They even take a practice ACT all for free! All you have to do is go to the office and sign up for it!

Good luck to all the students out there taking the ACT!