The Best Movies of the Decade

Jared Clark

2019 ended just over a week ago which also brings an end to an astounding decade of movies. Every year from 2010-2019 brought us amazing cinematic experiences, many of which are worth the recap.

2010 Top 3 Movies: Inception, Toy Story 3, The Social Network

Inception is a movie that is in the discussion for the greatest movies of all time. Rotten Tomatoes describes it as

“Smart, innovative, and thrilling, Inception is that rare summer blockbuster that succeeds viscerally as well as intellectually.”

Toy story 3 is another great movie to add to the already great Toy Story Franchise, and The Social Network racked up a staggering 96% tomatoe meter reading.

2011 Top Movies: Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Part 2, Rise of the Planet of the Apes, Rango

Harry Potter 8 ends the story of the boy who lived in a stunning way, and is arguably the best Harry Potter movie. Rise of the Planet of the Apes brings its comic book predecessor. Rango stars Johnny Depp in the best animated movie of the year.

2012 Top Movies: The Avengers, The Dark Knight Rises, Skyfall

The Avengers steers the MCU in the direction to produce great movies. The Dark Knight Rises ends one of the greatest trilogys of all time. Skyfall earns a 92% tomato meter reading and adds another great movie to the James Bond Franchise.

2013 Top Movies: Monsters University, Frozen, Gravity

Monsters University is an amazing prequel to monsters equal and rivals Frozen for the best animated movie of 2013. Gravity is described by Renuka Vyavahare:

“Oh to be astonished, frightened, and entertained all at the same time — that’s the power of Alfonso Cuaron’s masterful film.”

2014 Top Movies: Interstellar, Captain America: Winter Soldier, Whiplash

Interstellar provides an amazing movie for teh sci-fi genre. Captain America: Winter Soldier is argued by some as the greatest MCU movie. An underrated Whiplash movie earned a 93% on Rotten Tomatoes.

2015 Top Movies: Star Wars: The Force Awakens, Creed, The Martian

Star Wars kicks off their third trilogy through an impressive The Force Awakens movie. Creed becomes a great sequel to the Rocky franchise. The Martian movie is arguably the best movie based off of a novel of all time.

2016 Top Movies: Moana, Captain America: Civil War, Moonlight

The fun family movie Moana is the best animated movie of 2016. The MCU adds another great movie to their franchise with Captain America: Civil War. 98% Tomato Meter reading Moonlight earns an Oscar for best picture.

2017 Top Movies: Get Out, Coco, Dunkirk

Jordan Peele’s Get Out could be argued as the best horror movie of all time. Coco takes 2017’s top animated movie spot and wins best original song for “Remember Me”

2018 Top Movies: Avengers Infinity War, Black Panther, A Quiet Place

Avengers Infinity War brings a new dimension to the MCU along with Black Panther. A Quiet Place shows viewers that you don’t need to say much to make a great movie.

2019 Top Movies: Us, Joker, Marriage Story.

Us, another Jordan Peele masterpiece, goes down as one of the greatest horror movies of the decade. Joker may have been the most hyped movies of the decade, and delivered. Marriage Story earns itself an amazing 95% Rotten Tomato meter reading.

Obviously this decade has will go down as one of the best ever for movies, and we will see what the new decade brings to the table!