New Year’s Resolutions
As 2019 comes to a close and we look forward to the beginning of a brand new decade, many people are busy making new years resolutions. Some of the most common ones include losing weight, eating healthier, and exercising. But aside from becoming more healthy, some people have resolutions like traveling more or trying new foods and meeting new people.
Students at Davis High have many different resolutions for this year. Some common ones are to get better grades, or for the seniors, to graduate and start a new chapter of their lives with life after high school.
“I want to get good grades, be more active, and just be more happy.” said Ireland Dannehold, Sophomore.
Some people don’t know exactly what they want their resolutions to be, so here are some ideas.
Donate to more charities – this is a great way to give back and have a positive impact on the community.
Get a new hobby – hobbies help people meet new people and find something they truly love, and make people more happy.
Travel to a place you’ve never been before – the world is big and traveling to new places helps people gain new experiences and learn more about different cultures.
Get organized – organization helps people get better control over their lives reduces stress.
Stop procrastinating – procrastination is often the reason we don’t accomplish goals.
Spend more time outside – studies show that being outside boosts your immune system and makes you more creative.
Be more social – meeting new people and making new friends helps people gain new experiences.
Have a positive attitude – positive attitudes help people achieve their goals.
Keep a journal – journals are a great way to document stories that happen to people.
Save more money – having money saved up is a great way to have peace of mind in case of an emergency.
New Year’s Resolutions are what help give our year more purpose. They make our lives happier and help people feel more accomplished and fulfilled. Having a resolution is a great way to ring in the new year.