French Club
Bienvenue au club français! If you want to learn more about the french language, or even just more about french culture, french club is a great place to be. Although it’s basically an extension of the class, anyone can join. They meet every Monday that’s a B-day, and have a really fun time learning more about the french language and culture.
A big part of French culture is the holidays, and french club is a fun place to be during that time of the year.
“I love learning about the holidays, especially Christmas. We have a lot of traditional french food during the holidays which makes them really fun to learn about” stated club president Courtney Blue, Senior.
The number of kids who go to french club varies, but usually there are about 15 kids there, so more people can join. You do not have to be in a french class to be in french club, so if you are looking to learn more about french culture and meet new people, the club is a great place to go.
Before each meeting, the people who run the club choose something to teach the other students about. Then, they do research and prepare a presentation to give to the class. Fellow students teaching the club and choosing topics gives a more laid-back environment and makes it so there are always interesting topics to learn about.
“French club is just an extension of the class so we can learn more about the culture than we learn in class, anyone can join” explained Courtney Blue.
Everyone is welcome at French club, so come learn more about the amazing language next B-day Monday during lunch!