TEA Club: the lunch circle
Photo cred: Brooklynn Crowley
TEA club is a judge-free 40 minutes. People are accepted no matter their personal beliefs, ethnicity, or sexuality.
“It is ran by members of the student body, and is a very good atmosphere for those looking to be more in the community or learn more about it,” explained Matt Ralston.
It is a very open platform for people who may be struggling with themselves, and anyone who wants to talk to people who could be having similar experiences and feel heard and love.
“We are just trying to help people be more comfortable with who they are and be open and able to talk about [what they would like to vent or get help with] it,” commented Hannah Barney, who is part of the TEA Club comity.
“It means a lot to me because there are a lot of kids out there that have a horrible home life and aren’t accepted for who they are in their families whether it be religion, trust, or any other reason, and its nice to see how happy they can be – that’s what really makes me the happiest is just seeing everyone else happy,” said Pheonix.
Everyone has had very positive things to say about the club and love going there to talk, eat chips and salsa, and get to know a variety of people.
“We talk about stuff and we eat salsa and draw on the board, basically just have fun like a bunch of teenagers hanging out,” commented Hallie Campbell.
It takes place every Friday during lunch in Mrs.Call’s room, room 2310, and everybody is welcome.