Sarah “Slinds” Lindsey
Sarah Lindsey, or as most people called her “Slinds”, graduated from Davis in 2016. She has accomplished a lot since graduating, and has received an associate degree, completed an LDS mission in Brazil, and started school at UVU.
Sarah was on the golf team all three years of high school, as well as her freshman year. All four years she was on the team, they did very well, taking region her junior year and placing in the top three for the rest of them.
After graduating, she knew she wanted to serve a mission. She got called to Fortaleza, Brazil in March of 2017 and left in September 2017. Even though she was graduated, her experiences at Davis High School still helped her on her mission. While in the MTC, her companion was Abby Thaxton, someone she graduated with.
Since arriving home in March of this year, she has moved down to Provo to go to Utah Valley University. She is hoping to go to medical school and in the future wants to become a physical therapist.
As for the nickname that she still goes by today, she says it came from her calling her friend Luke Rogers “L Rog” one day and him calling her “S Linds”, which then turned into Slinds. Ever since then, the nickname has stuck.
When asked about the friends she made here, Sarah said:
“The friends I made at Davis continue to influence my life even after graduation.”
Most of the friends she made here she still sees and talks to all the time. Her room mates, Abby Thaxton, Sarah Calder, and Ashley Sullenger all went to Davis.
“Going to Davis has impacted my life because everywhere I go, I can always find someone from Davis” — Who Said?
Davis High has helped Sarah in so many ways. It got her halfway through a college degree before she graduated, it gave her someone from home when she was halfway across the world, and it gave her lifelong friends.