Teacher Spotlight: Shir Lynn Baird

As a few might know, Shir Lynn Baird is a math teacher at Davis High School. She’s taught math for many years, but the way she started teaching was odd. Ms. Baird’s parents are both teachers, growing up she never wanted to be a teacher. She was a Nursing Major, and one day her mom told her that she would be a good math teacher. She decided to make a deal with herself. She went back and took Calculus Two, and she agreed that if she passed the class with an A, she would become a math teacher. In the end, she passed Calculus with an A, and became a math teacher.
A few things I didn’t know about Ms. Baird until the interview, was that she was obsessed with reading. She stated that she reads about a book a week. That is something you don’t usually expect from a math teacher.
Her least favorite thing about teaching math is grading tests. As a math teacher, she must be on her a-game when grading assignments and tests. On the other end, she said a goal she accomplished while working at Davis High School, was teaching CE. A goal she is working towards, is going back to New Zealand. She explained that it was beautiful, and she was also very passionate about the fact that no animals can kill you. The worse you can get is a swollen hand from a spider bite, according to her.
One thing that surprised me, is she talked about how she enjoyed going to concerts and shows. She loves going to concerts and stated that she goes to at least one a month, even more “if the budget allows it.” She also talked about how her and her family are very close. They spend time together constantly and talk every day.
I just recently met Shir Lynn Baird, but she’s a great math teacher and has a great personality. If you go to Davis High School, I’d recommend stopping by to say hi. But be careful, she’s very sarcastic.