How to make a boring subject fun: Jennifer Janes

October 8, 2019
Jennifer Janes is a English teacher at Davis High School. English is known to be one of the more bland subjects, but Mrs. Janes goes above and beyond to make it a little more interesting.
When walking into Mrs. Janes class the first thing you see is a beaming smile and the happy eyes of Jennifer. She is a bright happy person who never seems pessimistic.
Jennifer Janes started teaching 20 years ago at Davis and has never left since. She has a love for Davis and its students that has kept her working there for her whole career. She says her favorite thing about Davis High School are the students.
“We have awesome students here at Davis High.”
When asked what her least favorite thing about Davis was she paused, trying to think and answered saying
” I cant think of anything, that’s probably why I’ve been here for 20 years.”
In her past-time she likes to play volleyball, or to go on a run. She also enjoys scrapbooking and spending time with her kids. In college Jennifer originally majored in Physical Education and was planning on teaching in that area, but eventually became interested in English and began majoring in that.
Jennifer Janes is an excellent English teacher that can add a little flavor the the bland subject that is English with her positive, happy attitude and demeanor.