Trevor Schwab: The man who does it all

Wyatt Ko

More stories from Wyatt Ko

My quarantine journal
April 21, 2020

Trevor Schwab was born third out of four children. Now, being a middle child does not necessarily mean that he is an “underachiever”. In reality, Trevor is the most advanced specimen in his family and is aspiring to accomplish more than his predecessors.

Schwab’s skillset is shown through a variety of scientific, mathematic, and historic knowledge. Schwab’s historic knowledge reaches to the depths of the darkest recesses in his mind. This historic memory was acquired at a young age by exclusively watching the history channel, Discovery nature documentaries, and SpongeBob SquarePants.

In elementary school Trevor supplemented his growing knowledge with vigorous baseball training. Over 9 years Trevor enhanced his mind and body to show the world that one can be brains and brawn.

At the age of 16, Trevor had received the greatest gift in history. A 1999 bright cherry red Chevy Tahoe. Using this Tahoe, he has traveled to lands unseen by the average Kaysville resident.

“I like car, car no go fast, red car red car red car” said Trevor Schwab.

In recent years Trevor has drifted from playing baseball to arguing with others over current issues in debate. As a debater Trevor has earned countless awards and has shown his prowess with rhetoric. For the past two years he has gone to nationals with Ethan Adler as his partner. He currently plans on going for a third year in a row.

Trevor now has combined his speaking strength with his historical knowledge to have the ability to speak like a college history professor.

“He is like an old history professor but trapped inside of a 17 year old body.” Alex Arnesen stated.

This can be seen clearly as his favorite painting is La Guernica, (Pablo Picasso’s magnum opus), and his enjoyment of Romanesque architecture over other forms of architecture.

“Julius Caesar was a chad, Julius Caesar was Roman, Therefore I like Romanesque architecture because it’s for chads.” Trevor Schwab.

Many people have experienced senioritis, in which they just don’t care about school anymore. Lately Trevor has been feeling a tad overwhelmed. With college applications being due soon for UC Berkeley, The University of Washington Seattle, and The University of Utah, taking 3 AP classes, 5 CE classes, and many extracurriculars, Trevor has had an extremely busy year. Although Schwab is busy, he will persevere through the year. Like the pioneers.