Homecoming Preview

Rachel Bennett

More stories from Rachel Bennett

This past week the Davis Darts played their Football game against Roy High School. This was the Homecoming game for Roy which brought a good energy to the game. Davis won the game with a score of 34-20. The game was a “neon-out” for the student section and even though our student section was small in numbers the game was full of school spirit and energy. Special shout out to the students who made it out to support the Darts.

This week the Darts are playing their Homecoming game against the Syracuse Titans. The Darts are leading in region and Syracuse is the main contender against Davis for Region Champions. Spencer Ferguson, touched on the fact that, the players need to clean up their mistakes and focus on the game in front of them. He also expressed that the game this week against Syracuse is going to be a tough one, but that if, “we want it more, we will win.”

The Homecoming Game will also feature Senior Night for the senior football players. This will also be the last home game of the Dart’s Season. This night allows the senior players to be recognized for all their hard work and accomplishments in their high school football careers. These seniors are recognized by announcing the players before kick-off and walking across the field with their parents.

This is going to be a game full of energy and excitement for the players, students, and parents. This week’s game will be a, “gold out” game for the student section to share their school spirit and support the Davis Darts. The MOB is a crucial part of the Davis High Experience because of the hype and intensity they bring to each game. Let’s bring that energy to this week’s game and continue to do so in the future season, toward Region Champs.